
simple is good

simple selalu berhubungan dengan kesederhanaan , keringkesan . sedangkan good berhunbungan dengan kebaikan dan kebaikan kebaikan danpasti kebaikan . kebaikan tersebut lahir dan besar dikarnakan kebaikan itu sendiri sedangkan simple itu pasti mendatangkan kebaikan yang tentunya kebaikan itu pasti berdasakan kesimplean yang mengandung unsur kebaikan , kebaikan yang demikian selalu simple dengan adanya kebaikan yang menunjang dengan kesimplean yang selalu berkaitan dengan adanya kebaikan , kebaikan dan kesimplean memang sangat erat dengan kebaikan yang dilakukan dengan cara kesimplean yang mengandung unsur kebaikan yang semuanya itu pasti ada hubungan dengan kebaikan dan kesimplean yang ada unsure kebaikanya akan ada yang mengalami kesimplean yang ada kebaikanya . terimakasih


Cara Download Video Youtube Dengan Mudah

Artikel kali ini , saya akan share bagaimana mendownload video di youtube tanpa menggunakan youtube downloader, tapi hanya menggunakan web saja, dengan cara KeepVid.

Langkah-langkahnya yaitu :

- Buka Video youtube yang pengen kamu download
- trus copy alamatnya/linknya , ada diatas kok (contoh : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS0YAOQCW-E )
- trus buka www.keepvid.com
- copy linknya pada kolom yang sudah disediakan www.keepvid.com
- lalu klik enter atau klik download yang ada disebelah kanan kolom linknya, bukan yg dibawah yah
- maka nanti keepvid akan mulai bekerja, bila ada perintah dari PC kamu untuk memilih RUN atau CANCEL, kamu pilih RUN.
-maka nanti akan muncul filenya dan anda bisa download dengan berbagai versi seperti MP4, AVI, MP3 dll.
- beres

Sumber : Setia Winny Blogspot

Lirik : Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

I threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
And now you're in my way

I'd trade my soul for a wish,
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
But now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
But still, you're in my way

I beg, and borrow and steal
Have foresight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
But it's in my way

Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad

It's hard to look right,
At you baby,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that

So call me, maybe


Tempe Makanan Termahal di Jerman

Jika tempe adalah makanan paling murah di Indonesia maka tempe merupakan makanan makanan mahal yang ada di Jerman.
Dijerman untuk mendapatkan sejumlah makanan asli dari asia memang sangat sulit sekali namuan di kawasan Wedding, yang merupakan salah satu kantung daerah imigran yang didominasi berbagai bangsa di Asia. Menjual beberapa makanan dari asia.
Dikota ini terdapa sebuah toko Vinh Loi di Seestrasse yang menjual berbagai makanan asal Asia, tko yang dikelola orang Vietnam ini setiap harinya sangat ramai di kunjungi orang Asia yang tinggal di Jerma untuk mencari makanan khas negara sal mereka.
Salah satu makanan asli Indonesia tempe juga dijual di toko ini namun harga untuk mendapatkan 1 buah tempe sangat mahal sekali lho tidak seperti di indonesia jika 1 buah tempe bisa dibeli dengan harga Rp 2000 saja maka di Jerman harga tempe ukuran batu bata 400gr dibandrol 1,79 Euro atau setara Rp 28.319. Harga tempe di Jerman juga nyaris sama dengan sekilo paha ayam yang dibandrol 1,99 Euro.
Harga tempe mahal di Jerman karena tempe termaksut makanan impor, namun tempe yang dijual di Jerman bukan merupakan tempe yang didatangkan dari Indonesia, tempe yang dijual di Jerman merupakan tempe yang dibuat di Jerman ada sebuah perusahan pembuat tempe yang bernama Natural Vegetarian Food b.v.
Ternyata tempe di luar negri memiliki harga yang sangat mahal sekali ya

Kata Kunci ajaib di Google

Google merupakan search engine terkemuka yang meduduki peringkat satu diantara web search lainnya, biasanya hampir setiap orang akan menggunakan google search ini untuk mencari berita atau informasi yang mereka inginkan. Ternyata, terdapat beberapa trik pencarian baru yang bisa dilakukan pada mesin pencari itu.Misalnya, ‘do a barrel roll’ di mana jika diketik di bar pencarian Google, akan terjadi koprol 360 derajat pada antarmuka pencarian itu.

Menariknya lagi, hal tersebut bukanlah satu-satunya hal yang bisa ditemukan dalam properti internet web luas Google. Teknisi Google secara mengejutkan berkomitmen memasukkan hal-hal mengejutkan pada mesin pencari itu.

Untuk melihat semua hal aneh yang bisa dijumpai di Google, berikut rangkuman hal-hal aneh terkeren yang bisa ditemukan di dalam Google Search. Apa saja...?

Do A Barrel Roll
Ingin merasakan seperti apa rasanya terbang dengan jet tempur sembari mencari sesuatu di internet? Ketik ‘do a barrel roll’ pada bar pencarian Google dan saksikan seluruh laman akan berjumpalitan.

What Is The Loneliest Number?
Jangan takut menanyakan pertanyaan sulit pada Google. Ketik query ‘What is the loneliest number’ dan Google akan menjawab ‘1’. Kalkulator akan memberi jawaban sama saat Anda mengetik query ‘the answer to life, the universe, and everything’ dan ‘the number of horns on a unicorn’.

Saat mengetik query ini, Google akan mejadi sedikit mabuk.

Google Gravity
Lelah dengan Google yang tak memiliki berat? Masuk ke Google Earth dan masuki ‘Google gravity’ dan klik ‘I’m feeling lucky’. Saat bar pencarian, tombol dan logo jatuh ke bawah laman, Anda bisa melempar-lemparkannya di sekitar laman cukup dengan mengklik, drag dan melepasnya.

Anda tahu saat masuk kamar mandi dengan banyak cermin dan saat berbalik, melihat pantulan diri seolah tak terbatas? Ini disebut recursion. Menurut Merriam-Webster, kata ini berarti ‘prosedur yang bisa diulang-ulang’. Pada Google, saat Anda mencari kata ini, Anda akan dibawa kembali dan kembali ke laman baru di mana hal ini seolah tak ada hentinya.

Where Is Chuck Norris?
Google akan memberi Anda laman kosong saat Anda mengklik “I’m Feeling Lucky” untuk mencari query tersebut. Pengguna akan diarahkan pada laman www.NoChuckNorris.com yang menampilkan teks dengan tulisan ‘Google tak akan mencarikan Chuck Norris karena Google tahu Anda tak mencari Chuck Norris, ia yang mencari Anda’. Laman ini juga memberi pengguna pilihan untuk mencari ‘laman dari jenggot Chuck’.

Once In A Blue Moon
Google Calculator juga mengembalikan pertanyaan sulit Anda. Ketik query ‘baker’s dozen’ dan kalkulator Google akan mengembalikannya dengan ‘13’. Mencari ‘once in a blue moon’ akan memberi Anda sejumlah angka komik kecil

Kisah Nyata Seorang Muslimah Di Amerika

Ini kisah nyata dari Amerika (US) sekitar tahun 2006. Pengalaman nyata seorang muslimah asal Asia yang mengenakan jilbab.
Suatu hari wanita ini berjalan pulang dari bekerja dan agak kemalaman . Suasana jalan setapak sepi . Ia melewati jalan pintas. Di ujung jalan pintas itu, dia melihat ada sosok pria Kaukasian. Ia menyangka pria itu seorang warga Amerika . Tapi perasaan wanita ini agak was-was karena sekilas raut pria itu agak mencurigakan seolah ingin mengganggunya. Dia berusaha tetap tenang dan membaca kalimah Allah. Kemudian dia lanjutkan dengan terus membaca Ayat Kursi berulang-ulang seraya sungguh-sungguh memohon perlindungan Allah swt. Meski tidak mempercepat langkahnya, ketika ia melintas di depan pria berkulit putih itu, ia tetap berdoa. Sekilas ia melirik ke arah pria itu. Orang itu asik dengan rokoknya, dan seolah tidak mempedulikannya. Keesokan harinya , wanita itu melihat berita kriminal, seorang wanita melintas di jalan yang sama dengan jalan yang ia lintasi semalam. Dan wanita itu melaporkan pelecehan seksual yang dialaminya di lorong gelap itu. Karena begitu ketakutan, ia tidak melihat jelas pelaku yang katanya sudah berada di lorong itu ketika perempuan korban ini melintas jalan pintas tersebut.
Hati muslimah ini pun tergerak karena wanita tadi melintas jalan pintas itu hanya beberapa menit setelah ia melintas di sana. Dalam berita itu dikabarkan wanita itu tidak bisa mengidentifikasi pelaku dari kotak kaca, dari beberapa orang yang dicurigai polisi. Muslimah ini pun memberanikan diri datang ke kantor polisi, dan memberitahukan bahwa rasanya ia bisa mengenali sosok pelaku pelecehan kepada wanita tersebut, karena ia menggunakan jalan yang sama sesaat sebelum wanita tadi melintas. Melalui kamera rahasia, akhirnya muslimah ini pun bisa menunjuk salah seorang yang diduga sebagai pelaku. Iia yakin bahwa pelakunya adalah pria yang ada di lorong itu dan mengacuhkannya sambil terus merokok .
Melalui interogasi polisi akhirnya orang yang diyakini oleh muslimah tadi mengakui perbuatannyaa. Tergerak oleh rasa ingin tahu, muslimah ini menemui pelaku tadi dan didampingi oleh polisi.
Muslimah : “Apa Anda melihat saya? Saya juga melewati jalan itu beberapa menit sebelum wanita yang kauperkosa itu? Mengapa Anda hanya menggangunya tapi tidak mengganggu saya? Mengapa Anda tidak berbuat apa-apa padahal waktu itu saya sendirian?”
Penjahat : “Tentu saja saya melihatmu malam tadi. Anda berada di sana malam tadi beberapa menit sebelum wanita itu. Saya tidak berani mengganggu Anda. Aku melihat ada dua orang besar di belakang Anda pada waktu itu. Satu di sisi kiri dan satu di sisi kanan Anda.”
Muslimah itu tidak bisa melanjutkan kata-katanya. Hatinya penuh syukur dan terus mengucap syukur. Dengkulnya bergetar mendengar penjelasan pelaku kejahatan itu, ia langsung menyudahi interview itu dan minta diantar keluar dari ruang itu oleh polisi.

Semua surat dalam al-Qur’an adalah surat yang agung dan mulia. Demikian juga seluruh ayat yang dikandungnya. Namun, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala dengan kehendak dan kebijaksanaanNya menjadikan sebagian surat dan ayat lebih agung dari sebagian yang lain.

Syaikh Umar Sulaiman Al Asyqar berkata, ”Yang paling baik digunakan untuk melawan jin yang masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia adalah dzikrullah (dzikir kepada Allah) dan bacaan Al Qur`an. Dan yang paling besar dari itu ialah bacaan ayat kursi, karena sesungguhnya orang yang membacanya akan selalu dijaga oleh penjaga dari Allah, dan ia tidak akan didekati oleh setan sampai Subuh, sebagaimana telah shahih hadits tentang itu”.

Kisah Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan Seorang Yahudi

Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam pun telah mengijinkan seorang yahudi hadir dan tinggal di rumah beliau tanpa mengusirnya , padahal ia seorang yahudi yang berbeda agama dengan Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam , tetapi beliau mengizinkan yahudi itu tinggal di rumah beliau ,

beliau tidak melarangnya atau dengan mengatakan : ” engkau yahudi tidak boleh tinggal di rumahku , kotor dan najis !! ” , tidak demikian akhlak Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam . Orang yahudi itu tinggal bersama Rasulullah dan tidur disana , makan sepiring dengan Rasul, membawakan air minum Rasul , seakan telah menjadi bagian di keluarga Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam dan tidak dipaksa untuk mengikuti agama Islam , sampai suatu saat ia sakit dan Rasul menjenguknya,

Rasul tidak berkata : ” syukur yahudi itu sakit dan tidak tinggal di rumahku lagi ” ,

rasul tidak demikian tetapi beliau berkata : ” mana orang yahudi yang tinggal di rumahku , mengapa dia pergi, apa kesalahanku ? ! ” .

Maka setelah rasul sampai di rumah orang yahudi itu , ternyata ia sudah dekat dengan sakaratul maut , maka Rasul berkata : ” wahai pemuda , maukah kau ucapakan ” Laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah ” , maka pemuda itu pun ragu untuk mengucapkannya ia menoleh ke ayahnya yang juga beragama yahudi ,

maka ayahnya berkata : ” betul , taati Aba Al Qasim dan ikuti ucapan itu ” , dan pemuda itupun mengucapkan ” Laa Ilaaha Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah ” kemudian ia pun wafat , maka berubahlah wajah Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bagaikan belahan bulan purnama dari terang dan bercahaya karena gembira melihat orang yahudi yang tinggal di rumahnya itu wafat dalam keadaan Islam , demikian indahnya kerukunan umat beragama.

Tips Governor Of Poker

Kuasai dulu kota dengan warna yang sama (membeli semua bangunan di kota). kalo tokohnya lagi ada di amarillo, maka tempat selanjutnya kita harus menguasai Coal-mine, lalu Lubbock, dan Fort Stockton. Setelah udah jadi Gubernur di Amarillo, maka dalam semalam kamu bisa dapetin $16 bahkan setiap malam.
income kota amarillo : $16
income kota coal mine : $32
income kota Lubbock : $31
income kota fort stockton : $44
jadi kalo di jumlah ada $123
tipsnya, kuasai keempat kota tersebut, kalo mau tidur cari kota dimana reputasi si tokoh masih 0%. supaya bisa tidur terus dan dapet uang. tenang saja soal reputasi karena tidak akan kurang dari 0% (reputasi mudah dicari dengan memenangkan poker, jadi tenang saja).
kalo udah kuasai keempat kota diatas, nanti kalo gak salah di lubbock atau di fort stockton bakal ada satu rumah dengan 2 orang cowboy yang berdiri di dekat rumah itu dengan tanda seru diatas kepalanya.
klik pada orang itu dan ajak ngobrol. nanti orang tersebut akan menantang anda bermain poker, jika anda berhasil memenangkannya maka anda akan mendapatkan kendaraan WAGON.
sekian dan semoga berhasil. :)

Serabi Teater

Bebincang soal seni, sastra, drama, pasti ada kaitannya juga dengan yang namanya TEATER, nah kali ini saya menulis artikel tentang serabi teater.
Serabi Teater ini komunitas sekaligus Ekstrakulikuler yang ada di SMA NUSANTARA 1 TANGERANG. lahirnya kata serabi teater pun merupakan sesuatu yang unik dan yang pasti kata SERABI itu mudah untuk diingat, kebetulan saya adalah pendiri sekali ketua pertama komunitas ini. kami menyebutnya serabi teater karena kata SERABI itu mengandung arti : makanan serabi itu hangat, manis pakai kuah, gurih, dan lezat. jadi kami ingin setiap pentas dan karya Serabi Teater semanis, hangat dan selezat layaknya kue Serabi.
Serabi Teater Didirikan pada tanggal 07 September 2011. sekarang serabi teater sudah berumur 1 tahun dan sudah menampilkan banyak pementasan dan menciptakan karya-karya nya.
motto kami adalah "Berkarya, Berjiwa Seni, Menyongsong Solidaritas". berkat motto itu kami punya semangat untuk lebih maju dan berkembang serta terus hidup.
jadi, siapapun yang mau berminat gabung, yang suka dunia seni, sastra drama, akting dan lainnya kamu boleh kunjungi SMA NUSANTARA 1 Tangerang di Jalan Cisadane VII Karawaci, atau sertakan komentar di postingan ini.
dan doakan kami, karena kami akan melangkah ke pementasan di gedung-gedung kesenian.
terimakasih :)

Cara Cheat dan Trainer Plant Vs Zombie Download

Nah guys kali ini gue akan bagi trainer cheat untuk game plant vs zombie. apa keunggulannya:
Unlimited Sun (matahari tanpa batas)
Unlimited Zeny (uang tanpa batas)
No Delay (tidak delay/refill untuk tanaman)
nah, buat download trainernya silahkan Klik Disini
kalo sudah di download silahkan ikuti petunjuk ini :
-Extract file tersebut menggunakan WinZip atau semacamnya, extract kedalam folder Plant Vs Zombie
-Setelah itu pilih "Plant Vs Zombies +4 Trainer" dan PlantVsZombies.exe seperti gambar dibawah ini :

setelah itu klik enter, maka akan ada tampilan seperti ini :

Tapi ingat ya, jangan sampai kamu mencet tombol ESC karena bakal keluarin aplikasinya, jadi setelah tampilan ini muncul kamu pencetnya tombol F11 untuk minimize, oke !!

tekan beberapa tombol ini untuk mengaktifkan cheat berikut :
1 => unlimited sun point
F2 => give money 999.990
F3 => No delay for plant Slot
F4 => One hit kills Zombie
F12 => On/off music

Selamat Bersenang-senang

Cheat dan Password Game Quiz Parampaa

langsung simak cheatnya yah :

Password per level
11 = password => eleven
21 = password => twenty1
37 = password => thezibba
31 = password => thirty1
41 = password => fourty1
52 = password => fifty2
61 = password => faceoff
67 = password => sunset
71 = password => dorayaki
80 = password => linger
90 = password => gomugomu
123 = password => arjuna
140 = password => tumpattu
151 = password => tumatu
161 = password => 161161
171 = password => 117711
179 = password => 179179
187 = password => 118877

caranya buka gamenya - klik password - masukin passwordnya - beres

Bahasa Inggris : Tenses dan Penggunaannya

Tenses adalah bentuk waktu yang biasa kita gunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Karena dengan Tenses kita bisa menggunakan kalimat yang sesuai dengan keadaan. Misalnya, keadaan yang biasa kita lakukan, sedang berlangsung,akan kita lakukan ,lampau dan lain-lain.
Pemakaian kata kerja yang dipergunakan untuk suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan kebiasaan, berbeda dengan pemakaian kata kerja yang dipergunakan dalam kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dan kata kerja di pergunakan untuk perbuatan lampau, itu juga berbeda. Tapi, kita harus ingat Cuma yang beda hanya bentuknya saja. 

Tenses yang dipergunakan dalam bahasa Inggris itu jumlahnya ada 16 waktu, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan “16 tenses “. Maka lebih jelasnya perhatikan bentuk-bentuk waktu berikut:

Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh tenses sebagai berikut: 

1) Positif (+) = S+V1(es/s)+O
2) Negatif (-) = S+Do/does+Not+V1+O
3) Introgatif(?) =Do/does+S+V1+O 

1. (+) He writes a letter every month
(-) He doesn’t writes a letter every month
(?) Dors he writes a letter every month?
2. (+) She teaches English every week
(- ) She doesn’t teaches English every week
(?) Does she teaches English every week?
3.(+) They studys matematic every day
(- ) They don’t studys matematic every day
(?) Do they studys matematic every day?
4.(+) She works in the office every Monday to Saturday
(- ) She doesn’t works in the office every Monday to Saturday
(?) Does she works in the office every Monday to Saturday?
5.(+) They go to Jakarta every years
(- ) They don’t go to Jakarta every years
(? ) Do they go to Jakarta every years? 

1. Dilakukan untuk melakukan perbuatan kebiasaan:
Ex:(+) He is works every day
(-) He is not works every day
(?) Is he works every day?
2. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebenaran umum:
Ex:(+) A week has seven day
(-) A week has not seven day
(?) Has a week seven day? 

C. Time Signal
1. Usually
Ex: I usually get up at 5 o’clock
2. Always
Ex: I always drink milk
3. Often
Ex: I often goes to my grand mother house
4. Generally
Ex: A rectangular has four corner
5. Seldom
Ex: She seldom goes to school by car 

1. Positif : S+V.ing+O
2. Negatif : S+do/does+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif : Do/does +S+V1+O 

1. (+) I am teaching English at the first grade of SMK 2 MEI
(-) I am not teaching English at the first grade of 
(?) Am I teaching Englidh at the first grade of SMK 2 MEI?
2. (+) you are writing present continous now
(-) you are not writing present continous now
(?) are you writing present continous now?
3. (+) we are learning tenses now
(-) we are not learning tenses now
(?) are we learning tenses now?
4. (+) I am going to school now
(-) I am not going to school now
(?) Am I going to school now?
5. (+) Daus and Anis are running now
Daus and Anis are not running now
(?) are
 Daus and Anis running now? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang terjadi
Ex: (+) I am going to Jakarta Now
(-) I am not going to Jakarta now
(?) Am I going to Jakarta now?
b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang bersifat sementara
Ex: (+) Chindy is writing now but he will explain soon
Chindy is not writing now but he will explain soon
(?) Is 
Chindy writing now but he will explain soon? 

1. Today
Ex : Iam today teaching English
2. Right now
Ex : Rini is working right now
3. When
Ex : Rina is coming hear when I go to park
4. Now
Ex : Roy is going to Bandung now
5. Still
Ex : He is still angry to me 

1. Positif (+) : S+V2+O
Negatif (-) : S+Did not+V2+O
Introgatif (?): Did+S+V2+O 

1. (+) Sarah invite me last week
(-) Sarah did not invite last week
(?) Did Sarah invite last week?
2. (+) I went to Jakarta yesterday
(-) I went not to Jakarta yesterday
(?) went I to Jakarta yesterday?
3. (+) You watch tv last week
(-) You did not watch tv last week
(?) Did you watch tv last week?
4. (+) I wrote letter to her last week
(-) I wrote not letter her last week
(?) Wrotw I letter her last week?
5. (+) It rain since at five o’clock
(-) It did not rain since at five o’clock
(?) Did it rain since at five o’clock? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang dimulai dan kejadian ituberakhir , pada masa yang lampau. Dan sampai sekarang ini , sudah tidak ada hubungannya lagi. Kejadian yang lampau itu, baik dilakukan secara berkali-kali atau sekali.
Ex: (+) I went yesterday
(-) I did not went yesterday
(?) Did I went yesterday? 

1. Last Year
Ex: I went to Yogjakarta last year
2. Yesterday
Ex: Dini went to my home yesterday
3. Last Week
Ex: I fineshed my worked lasr week
4. Ago
Ex: She taught English three days ago
5. Last Saturday
Ex: I went to here last Saturday 

1. Positif (+): S+was/were+vVing+O
2. Negatif (-): S+was/were+not+v.ing+o
3. introgatif (?): was/were+S+v.ing+o 

1. (+)The third year student were sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday
(-) The third year student were not sitting behind the teacher’s now yesrterday
(?) Were the third year student sitting behind the teacher’s now yesterday?
2. (+) He was playing football yesterday
(-) He was not playing football yesterday
(?) was he playing football yesterday?
3. (+) They were working in the office yesterday
(-) They were not working in the office yesterday
(?) Were they working in the office yesterday?
4. (+) Tuti was reading a novel when I come yesterday
(-) Tuti was not reading a novel when I come yesterday
(?) was Tuti reading a novel when I come yesterday?
5. (+) They were studying Biologi at ten O’clock last Friday
(-) They were not studying Biologi at ten o’clock last Friday
(?) were they studying Biologi at temn o’clock last Friday? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang sedang berlangsungdalam waktu yang bersamaan di masa yang lampau.
Ex: (+) I was going to garden when it began to rain
(-) I was not going to garden when it began to rain
(?) Was I going to garden when it gegan to rain?
b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada masa yang lampau.
Ex: (+) at three o’clock last week, She was reading
(-) at three o’clock last week,She was not reading
(?) at three o’clock last week,was she reading?
c. Bentuk ini, juga digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang bersamaan waktu dan berlangsung lama pada masa yang lampau.
Ex: (+) I was reading a book, while Ani writing a letter
(-) I was not reading a book,while Ani writing a letter
(?) Was I reading a book,while Ani writing a letter? 

1. Last Week
Ex: at seven o’clock last week
2. Yesterday
Ex: all day yesterday 

1. Positif (+): S+shall+/will+V1+O
2. Negatif(-): S+shall/will+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+V1+O 

1. (+) He will go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning
(-) He will not go to Pasir Panjang tomorrow morning
(?) Will he go to pasir Panjang tomorrow morning?
2. (+) I shall study hard next mounth
(-) I shall not study hard next mounth
(?) Shall I study hard next mounth?
3. (+) I am go to Singkawang tomorrow
(-) I am not go to Singkawang tomorrow
(?) Am I ga to Sngkawang tomorrow?
4. (+) She will write this lesson next week
(-) She will not write this lesson next week
(?) will She write this lesson next week?
5. (+) I shall go to Medan tomorrow
(-) I shall not go to Medan tomorrow
(?) Shall I go to Medan tomorrow? 

a. digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan.
Ex: (+) I shall go to Surakarta tomorrow
(-) I shall not go to Surakarta tomorrow
(?) Shall I go to Surakarta tomorrow?
b. Juga bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan syatu janji.
Ex: (+) I shall give you book tomorrow
(-) I shall not give you book tomorrow
(?) Shall I give you book tomorrow?
c. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu janji,tapi dengan syarat:
Ex: (+) Your mother will give you a new car if you past your exams
(-) Your mother will not give you a new car if you past your exams
(?) Will your mother give you a new car if you past your exams?
d. Digunakan untuk menyantks\an meminta tolong kepada seseorang.
Ex: (+) you will help me lift this table
(-) You will not help me lift this table
(?) Will you help me lift this table? 

1. Tomorrow
Ex: I shall work tomorrow
2. next week
Ex: I shall teach next week
3. Next Mounth
Ex: He will study in here next mounth 

1. Positif (+): S+should/would+V1+O
2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+V1+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+V1+O 

1. (+) I should go to Mojosari next day
(-) I should not go to Mojosari next day
(?) Should I go to Mojosari next day?
2. (+) He would by a car the day before
(-) He would not by a car the day before
(?) Would He by a car the day before?
3. (+) He would come if you invited him
(-) He would not come if you invited him
(?) Would he come if you invited him?
4. (+) You would give me this pen last Saturday
(-) You would not give me this pen last Saturday
(?) Would you give me this pen last Saturday?
5. (+) She would have breakfast before at seven
(-) She would not have breakfast before at seven
(?) Would she have breakfast before at seven? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang akan dilakukan pada masa lampau.
Ex: (+) I should go to England last year
(-) I should not go to England last year
(?) Should I go to England last year? 

1. Last year
Ex: He would go to Semarang last year
2. Last week
Ex: They would trip a Paris last week
3. Before
Ex: I should by a car the day before
4. Next day
Ex: She should go to Riau next day
5. Invited
Ex: They would come if you invited him 

1. Posituf (+) : S+have/has+V3+O
2. Negatif (-) : S+have/has+not+V3+O
3. Introgatif (?): Have/has+S+V3+O 

1. (+) We have learned English for two years
(-) We have not learned English for two years
(?) Have we learned English for two years?
2. (+) She has taught English since 1988
(-) She has not taught English since 1988
(?) Has she taught English since 1988?
3. (+) He has been to Jakarta before
(-) He has not been to Jakarta before
(?) Has he been to Jakarta before?
4. (+) He has a written a letter for thirty minutes
(-) He has not a written a letter for thirty minutes
(?) Has he a written a letter for thirty minutes?
5. (+) I have just spoken to him
(-) I have not just spoken to him
(?) Have I just spoken to him? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian di masa yang lampau tanpa menyebutkan waktu yang khusus (tertentu).
Ex: (+) I have gone to school
(-) I have not gone to school
(?) Have I gone to school?
b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan di masa lampau dan kegiatan masih berlangsung sampai saat ini.
Ex: (+) I have learned in the 2 Mei school since 2000
(-) I have not learned in the 
2 Mei school since 2000
(?) Have I learned in the 
2 Mei school since 2000?
c. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang baru saja telah terjadi.
Ex: (+) I have just read my book
(-) I have not just read my book
(?) Have I just read my book? 

1. Already
Ex: have had breakfast already
2. Three Times
Ex: I have been drink medicine three times a day
3. Finally
Ex: finally, He has started to finally 

1. Positif (+): S+had+V3+O
2. Negatif (-): S+had not+V3+o
3. Intrigattif (?):Had+S+V3+O 

1. (+) The train had left before I arrived
(-) The train had not left before I arrived
(?) Had the train left before I arrived?
2. (+) I had copied the lesson before she come home
(-) I had not copied the lesson before she come home
(?) Had I copied the lesson before she come home?
3. (+) I had come home before I week three
(-) I had not come home before I week three
(?) Had I come home before I week three?
4. (+) I had written this lesson before he called me
(-) I had not written a lesson before he called me
(?) Had I written a lesson before he called me?
5. (+) When my brother arrived, I had painted my car
(-) When my brother arrived, I had not painted my car
(?) When my brother arrived, had I painted my car? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang selesai sebelum kejadian lain terjadi dimasa lampau.
Ex: (+) I had come home before I when three
(-) I had not come home before I when three
(?) Had I come home before I when three?
b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu dimasa yang lampau.
Ex: (+) By the end of the mounth, she had lived here
(-) By the end of the mounth, she had not lived here
(?) Had by the end of the mounth, she lived here? 

1. On
Ex: On sunday morning, I painted my car
2. When
Ex: When my brother arrived, I had painted my car
3. Before
Ex: The train had left before I arrived
4. After
Ex: She told me her name after I had asked her twice 

1. Positif (+): S+shall/will+be+Ving+O
2. Negatif (-): S+shall/will+not+be+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?): Shall/will+S+be+ving+O 

1. (+) I shall be waiting for you in this station at four
(-) I shall not be waiting for you in this station at four
(?) Shall I be waiting for you in this station at four?
2. (+) I shall be studying at this time tomorrow
(-) I shall not be studying at this time tomorrow
(?) Shall I be studying at this time tomorrow?
3. (+) I shall be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening
(-) I shall not be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening
(?) Shall I be waiting for you in this airport at three o’clock tomorrow evening?
4. (+) He will be working at this time tomorrow
(-) He will not be working at this time tomorrow
(?) Will he be working at this time tomorrow?
5. (+) She will going to be school together at seven o’clcok tomorrow
(-) She will not going to be school together at seven o’clock tomorrow
(?) Will she going to be school together at seven o’clock tomorrow? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu rencana, yang dilaksanakan mendatang.
Ex: (+) I will be going to Pantai Prambanan tomorrow
(-) I will not going to Pantai Prambanan tomorrow
(?) Will I going to Pantai Prambanan tomorrow?
b. Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan akan dilakukan dengan waktu tertentu, pada masa mendatang.
Ex: (+) I shall be writing a letter at seven o’clock tomorrow
(-) I shall not be writing a letter at seven o’clock tomorrow
(?) Shall I be writing a letter at seven o’clock tomorrow? 

1. At nine a o’clock tomorrow
Ex: I shall be working at nine a o’clock tomorrow morning
2. At this time next year
Ex: at this time next year, Peter will be traveling in Japan 

1. Positif (+): S+have/has+been+Ving+O
2. Negatif (-): S+have/has+not+been+Ving+O
3. Itrogatif (?): Have/has+S+been+Ving+O 

1. (+) I have been going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002
(-) I have not going to Painting Samudra for my holiday since 2002
(?) Have I going to Pantai Samudra for my holiday since 2002?
2. (+) Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak has been teaching at SMK 2 MEI since 2003
(-) Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak has not been teaching at 
SMK 2 MEI since 2003
(?) Has Mr.Burhanudin Simanjuntak been teaching at 
SMK 2 MEI since 2003?
3. (+) She has been painting every day for a long time
(-) She has not painting every day for a long time
(?) Has she painting every day or along time?
4. (+) It has been raining since at six o’clock
(-) It has not been raining since at six o’clock
(?) Has it been raining since at six o’clock?
5. (+) The girl has been crying since he was a child
(-) The girl has not been crying since he was a child
(?) Has the girl been crying since has was a child? 

a. Digunakan untuk mnyatakan suatu perbuatan yang menjadi kebiasaan pada masa yang lampau, dan perbuatan itu masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
Ex: (+) I have been going to my grandmother home for my holiday since 1990
(-) I have not been going to my grandmother home for my holiday since 1990
(?) Have I been going to my grandmother home for my holiday since 1990?
b. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah terjadi dimasa lampau dan akan berlangsung sampiai sekarang.
Ex: (+) I have been studying here since 2000
(-) I have not been studying here since 2000
(?) Have I been studying here since 2000? 

1. Since
Ex: We have been waiting for you since ne o’clock
2. For
Ex: She has been studying English for over five tears
3. This mounth
Ex: I have been studying at his place this mounth 

1. Positif (+): S+had+been+vVng+O
2. Negatif (-) :S+had+not+been+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?): Had+s+been+ving+o 

1. (+) Dodi had been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her
(-) Dodi had not been looking for the girl for a year before heapplied her
(?) Had Dodi been looking for the girl for a year before he applied her?
2. (+) I had been playing a football when they came
(-) I had not been playing a football when they came
(?) Had I been playing a football when they came?
3. (+) She had been cooking a vegetable when he came
(-) She had not been cooking a vegetable when he came
(?) had she been cooking a vegetable when he came?
4. (+) When I came, his father had been leaving for six hours
(-) When I came, his father had not been leaving for six hours
(?) When I came, had his father been leaving for six hours?
5. (+) I had been waiting for you since at seven o’clock
(-) I had not been waiting for you since at seven o’clock
(?) Had I been waiting for you since at seven o’clock? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung lama
sebelum kejadian yang lain di masa yang lampau juga.
Ex: (+) I had been looking for the Ichigo for two week before we meet
(-) I had not been looking for the Ichigo for two week before we meet
(?) Had I been looking for the Ichigo for two week before we meet?
1. When
Ex: I finished my dinner, Peter had been 

1. Positif (+): S+will/shall+have+V3+O
2. negatif (-) : S+will/shall+not+have+V3+O
3. Introgatif (?): Will/shall+S+have+V3+O 

1. (+) She will have written his lesson by time he go out
(-) She will not have written his lesson by time he go out
(?) Will she have written his lesson by time he go out?
2. (+) The game will finished by the time he get three
(-) The game will not finished by the time he get three
(?) Will the game finished by the time he get three?
3. (+) I shall have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow
(-) I shall not have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow
(?) Shall I have written a letter by eight o’clock tomorrow?
4. (+) We shall have played a basketball when he came
(-) We shall not have played a basketball when he came
(?) Shall we have played a basketball when he came?
5. (+) When my uncle comes tomorrow, my grandmother will have left my house
(-) When my uncle comes tomorrow, my grandmother will not have left my house
(?) When my uncle comes tomorrow, will my grandmother have left my house? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbutan yang akan selesai, Sebelum waktu yang lain dimasa mendatang.
Ex: (+) By next week he will have read this book
(-) By next week he will not have read this book
(?) Will by next week he have read trhis book?
b. Juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa akn selesai sebelum perbuatan lain, dimasa yang akan datang.
Ex: (+) When I comes, my uncle will have left my house
(-) When I comes,my uncle will not have left my house
(?) Will when I comes,my uncle have left my house? 

1. By the end of
Ex: John will have done his work by the end of this week
2. By next
Ex: By next week he will have read this book 

1. Positif (+): S+shall/will+have+been+Ving+O
2. Negatif (-): S+shall+will+not+have+been+Ving+O
3. Introgatif (?):Shall/will+S+have+been+Ving+O 

1. (+) I shall have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow
(-) I shall not have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow
(?) Shall I have been writing a letter at this time tomorrow?
2. (+) By next fast day I shall have been teaching here six mounths
(-) By next fast day I shall not have been teaching here six mounths
(?) By next fast day shall I have been teaching here six mounths?
3. (+) Next moon Hevy will have been studying here for two years
(-) Next moon Hevy will not have been studying here for two years
(?) Next moon will Hevy have been studying here for two years?
4. (+) Next week Bu Yusni will have been teaching at SMK 2 MEI school for one years
(-) Next week Bu Yusni will not have been teaching at 
SMK 2 MEI school for one year
(?) Next week will Bu Yusni have been teaching at 
SMK 2 MEI school for one year?
5. (+) He will have been working in the office at this time tomorrow
(-) He will not have been working in the office at this time tomorrow
(?) Will he have been working in the office at this time tomorrow? 

a. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sudah dikerakan pada masa yang lampau,dan masih berlangsung pada waktu tertentu dimasa yang akan datang.
Ex: By the end of this year we shall have been studying Jerman for five year 

1. By the end of this year
Ex: by the end of this year we shall have been studying Jerman for four year
2. By the end of this month
Ex: By the end of this month, I shall have been working in this office for five years 

1. Positif (+): S+should/would+be+Ving+O
2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+be+V.ing+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+be+V.ing+O 

1. (+) I should be finishing this home work at this time following week
(-) I should not be finishing this home work at this time following week
(?) Should I be finishing this home work at this time following week?
2. (+) We should be going to beach the following week
(-) We should not be going to beach the following week
(?) Should we be going to beach the following week?
3. (+) He would be flag ceremony at this time the following day
(-) He would not be flag ceremony at this time the following day
(?) Would he be flag ceremony at this time the following day?
4. (+) She would be finishing this job at this time following moon
(-) She would not be finishing this job at this time following moon
(?) Would she be finishing this job at this time following moon?
5. (+) They would be having examination at this time the following year
(-) They would not be having examination at this time the following year
(?) Would they be having examination at this time the following year? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan sedang dilakukan pada masa yang lampau.
Ex: I should be taking an examination at this time the following day 

Last week
Ex: At six o’clock last week, I should be buying in this supermarket 

1. Positif (+): S+should/would+have+V2+O
2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+have+V2+O
3. Introgatif (?): Should/would+S+not+have+V2+O 

1. (+) I should have paif if I had come here
(-) I should not have paif if I had come here
(?) Should I have paif if I had come here?
2. (+) He would have sucses if he had worked here
(-) He would not have sucses if he had worked here
(?) Would he have sucses if he had worked here?
3. (+) She would have graduated if she had studied hard
(-) She would not have graduated if she had studied hard
(?) Would she have graduated if she had studied hard?
4. (+) I hoped that you would have married before you worked here
(-) I hoped not that you would have married before you worked here
(?) Would I hoped that you have married before you worked here?
5. (+) I hoped that you would have paif before you come here
(-) I hoped not that you would have paif before you come here
(?) Would I hoped that you have paif before you come hare? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena syarat yang tidak terpenuhi, namun hanya sebagai bayangan saja.
Ex: (+) He would have graduated if he had studied hard
(-) He would not have graduated if he had studied hard
(?) Would he have graduated if he had studied hard? 

1. If he had studied hard
Ex: They would have graduated if they had studied hard 

1. Positif (+): S+should/would+have+been+V.ing+O
2. Negatif (-): S+should/would+not+have+been+V.ing+O
3. Inttrogatif (?): Should/would+S+have+been+V.ing+O 

1. (+) By last Febuary I should have been working this restaurant for one year
(-) By last Febuary I should not have been working this restaurant for one year
(?) should by last Febuary I have been working this restaurant for one year?
2. (+) By last July we should have been studying this school for three years
(-) By last July we should not have been studying this school for three year
(?) Should by last July we have been studying this school for three years?
3. (+) By last fast day he would have been living this apartement for five years
(-) By last fast day he would not have been living this apartement for five years
(?) Would by last fast day he have been living this apartement for five years?
4. (+) She would have been teaching English for one years by last Friday
(-) She would not have been teaching English for one years by last Friday
(?) Would she have been teaching English for one years by last Friday?
5. (+) The magazine would have been red by Anis
(-) The magazine would not have been red by Anis
(?) Would the magazine have been red by Anis? 

Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sudah sedang berlangsung pada waktu yang lampau.
Ex: (+) By last lebaran I should have been working in that office for five years
(-) By last 
 lebaran I should not have been working in that office for five years
(?) Should by last 
 lebaran I have been working in that office for five years? 

1. By the end of this week
Ex: By the ed of this week, I should have come here
2. By the end of this mounth
Ex: By the end of this mounth, He would have graduated studied

Sumber : http://enterkey22.blogspot.com/2012/08/rumus-16-tenses-beserta-contoh.html#ixzz2LinH27QS

Rahasia Cowok

cowok adalah makhluk tuhan yang memiliki pesona untuk lawan jenisnya . cowok diciptakan pula dengan seribu rahasia didalamnya :)
1. cowok paling suka dengan namanya wanita yang perhatian
2. cowok itu paling ga suka kalo masa lalunya di ungkit-ungkit
3. cowok paling suka kalau punya pakaian dalam yang berwarna - warni
4. cowok itu paling suka kalo dinilai lebih dari cowok lainya
5. ada 2 karakter cowok yang baik tapi playboy dan yang jahat tapi setia
6. hal pertama yang cowok lihat pada pertemuan pertama pada seorang wanita ialah buah dadanya
7. cowok paling gengsi kalo ngaca depan cewek meskipun begitu dia merupakan makhluk tuhan yang paling suka ngaca
8 . rata-rata cowok menilai kalu meroko itu wajar dan dianggap keren .
9. rata-rata juga cowok yang meroko itu jarang mandi
10. cowok yang kepalanya botak, biasanya jarang sampoan
11. cowok paling bergaya sok ganteng apabila diliatin sama si doi , tapi kalo ganteng bneran sih gpp , kalo??
12. cowok itu paling seneng ngupil ngumpet-ngumpet
13. kalo cowok udah ngerasa bete biasanya dia lebih memilih untuk diam
14. cowok selalu ingin merasa ganteng depan para wanita
15. cowok yang manja dengan orang tua biasanya ia merupakan sosok yang humoris